Club Offerings
Opportunities to Make New Friends, Explore Naples and
Support Charitable Organizations
Volunteering at Area Charities
Historical Walking Tour of Old Naples
Sunsets at the Beach
Soap Making Class
Line Dance Instructions/Party 
Wellness Group Fitness Classes
Luncheons at Area Country Clubs with Speakers
Golf Classes followed by Playing
Orchid Growing Class
Wine Tasting 
Guided Kayaking
Guided Horseback Riding
Happy Hours
Music and Theater
Guided Tour of the Wonder Gardens
The above is a sample list.
Wellness Group
This group meets for fitness, friendship and fun and includes a
monthly “walk and talk.”  The fun usually continues over coffee and snacks. 

Book Clubs
If you love to read, join the daytime and/or evening groups!
Each month we read and discuss a book selected by the members of each
of the Book Clubs.
Coffee & Conversation
Meet at a member's home or one of many local coffee shops for snacks,
great coffee and even better conversation. 
Get Acquainted Night for New Members
Enjoy an evening in the casual setting of a members’ home. Mix and
make new friends while sampling appetizers and desserts brought by guests.
Game Groups
Meet to play Mah Jongg, Euchre, Canasta, Hand and Foot, Rummikub,
classic games and more.
Needle Arts
Make new friends, share projects and possibly get some new ideas.
Includes knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc.
Watercolor Painting
Meet monthly at a member's home to learn and develop watercolor painting skills
will interacting with, and learning more about, other members.
Birthday Bunch Lunch
Celebrate your birthday at a local, upscale restaurant with other members with
the same birthday month.
Naples Newcomers Club North